Our mushroom grow kits are ideal for beginners, hobbyists, or anyone who loves mushrooms. 

 Grow kits are an enjoyable and uncomplicated way to grow your own food, share with friends, and save for later in the year.

Follow the instructions 
below and you'll be cooking up your own gourmet mushrooms in no time!


Start growing your kit the same day you bring it home! If you can't start growing right away, place the kit in an airtight bag in the refrigerator for up to 4 weeks.


Place your kit in a spot where you won't forget to give it daily attention. Keep in mind that mushrooms love indirect light, humidity and good airflow.


Using a clean knife, cut a flap on the small side of the block that is about 2x2 inches.

Watch our video at the bottom of the page for a visual guide.


Fill the provided spray bottle with tap water and mist the area around the cut by using 2 to 3 sprays. Do this 3 times a day. Do not make the area dripping wet, the mushrooms just need a humid environment.


When you begin to see pins form you can stop misting the block unless the mushrooms look dry - if they look dry, then spray about once a day.


About 5 days after pins form, the mushrooms will stop growing and are ready to be harvested. To harvest, grab the entire cluster and gently twist removing the entire stem from the block. If any substrate is attached (what looks like dirt), simply remove it with scissors.


If growing conditions are right, you can get multiple flushes out of the block. Put packing tape over the hole you just harvested off of and cut another hole on the opposite side. The spraying cycle will be the same as before. When your block has been exhausted, it can simply be disposed of anywhere in your yard!
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